Racial Justice Conference
Student Scholarship Application
YWCA Rock County is excited to acknowledge and encourage student interest in racial justice by offering a complimentary ticket to a limited number of youth who are interested in attending either the virtual or in-person portion of the 10th Annual Racial Justice Conference. To celebrate the 10th year of this amazing conference , YWCA Rock County is expanding our successful one-day virtual event by adding a second day. The virtual conference option will include a half day in-person option, and YOU(TH) are invited!
The in-person portion provides a special youth kickoff session with our keynote speaker, Mr. Greg Ware. All participating youth will be invited to reflect after the conference guided by Amiee Leavy, YWCA Rock County Racial Justice Director.
This means:
Access to amazing session content!
Connecting with youth and adults working in our communities!
Support to keep working towards your goals!
There are many racial justice issues impacting our local communities. What are you hearing about or experiencing in your community that need to be addressed? What are you uniquely positioned to support? This is your chance to learn and take action.
Student Scholarship Purpose
All scholarship recipients are expected to use what they learn at the conference to positively impact their school and or community. Each person will share their efforts with Amiee Leavy, YWCA Rock County Racial Justice Director.
Grade / Classification: High School Students and Freshman – Senior College Students are eligible to apply.
In-Person Conference Location: Blackhawk Technical College (YWCA Rock County does not offer transportation to the in-person conference).
Date: Thursday, November 14, 2024 (virtual) and Friday, November 15, 2024 (in-person)
Conference Questions: Contact Amiee Leavy (aleavy@ywcarockco.com)
Application Submission Information
Applications may be submitted, using the included form as a cover letter, to the address provided below or sent as an attachment via email to Amiee Leavy at aleavy@ywcarockco.com. Application may also be submitted online. You may also create a video submission which addresses all of the application questions. Video submissions should be emailed to Amiee Leavy at aleavy@ywcarockco.com.The deadline for consideration is Friday, October 18, 2024.
2024 YWCA Rock County Racial Justice Conference Student Scholarship Application
c/o: Amiee Leavy
1735 S. Washington Street
Janesville, WI 53546