Summer Discovery Day Camp
Safe, State-Licensed, Affordable & Fun
The YWCA Summer Discovery Day Camp Program is a state licensed program for children who have completed kindergarten through 12 years of age. The children are supervised by state-qualified, state licensed, trained, competent, and caring staff. Our program is open to all children regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex or ability. The YWCA Summer Discovery Day Camp is full of fun-filled engaging events and experiences to keep kids occupied throughout the summer. Space is limited and sign up is on a first-come, first-served basis.
2 Locations and 2 age groups: Ages 5 (have completed kindergarten) - age 8 (through their 8th year): YWCA Rock County located at 1735 S. Washington St., Janesville, WI 53546 and Ages 9-12 will be at St. Peter’s Church located at 1422 Center Ave., Janesville, WI 53546. If a family has 2 children that would be at each site and they want them together, the parent can decide which site they want both children at.
Returning Families enrollment is available by visiting your ProCare Account to enroll. New Families can click HERE to register.
YWCA Summer Discovery Day Camp
Summer Discovery Day Camp runs weekly, Monday through Friday 6:30am to 6pm beginning June 9th - August 22nd. Children will enjoy a wide variety of experiences including:
Arts 'n Crafts
Environmental Projects
Field Trips
Music, Songs and Drama
Self-Growth Activities
Physical Fitness
Sports and Games
Educational Programs
Special Interests
Each child is served two nutritious snacks, which meet the federal requirements as outlined by the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Children will not be forced to eat or be denied a snack based on behavior.
The Janesville School District provides lunch each day; however, parents can choose to bring their child’s lunch. Parent provided lunches must contain a serving of all components: grain, protein, fruit and vegetable. Beverages such as soda, coffee and energy drinks are not acceptable and will be confiscated. We strive to ensure children have proper nutrition and enough to eat. When this requirement is not met, or no lunch is provided, staff will supplement missing component(s) and a $10 fee will be added to your account.
Weekly Camp Fees
5 Full Days = $185 6:30am - 6pm
3 Days = $155 (M, W, F) 6:30am - 6pm
2 Days = $145 (T, TH) 6:30am - 6pm
5 Half days = $145 weekly 12:00pm - 6:00pm (Part-time for Summer School only: 4 weeks)
Weekly field trip/activity fee = $15 per child included in camp fees, no extra charge
Enrollment Fee
The Enrollment Fee is a once per year payment, which includes a camp T-Shirt. The Enrollment Fee is $40 per child, $35 for each additional child on or before May 18th. After May 18th, the fee increases $5 per child.
Payments are due by 6pm on the Thursday preceding the week desired. Any schedule turned in on Friday after 6:30am will result in a $20 late fee per child. For the success of the program, if you cancel any week(s) you have signed your child up to attend Summer Camp, you will be responsible for paying 100% of the week(s) cost. Outstanding balances need to be paid prior to attendance into the Fall Child Care Program.
We ask that you please be prompt in picking up your children. Late Pickup: (According to the site clock) $50 fee for any portion of the first 15 minutes per child after 6pm, $5 will be charged per child for every minute after 6:15pm. All fees are non-refundable, unless a child is ill for 3 days or more, at which time, a physician's statement is required. A credit will be issued for $10 per day.
Scholarships are granted on the basis of financial need and availability to assist individuals or families with a portion of camp fees. A W-2 wage and tax statement or four weeks of paycheck stubs must accompany your financial assistance application for proof of eligibility. Wisconsin Shares are accepted for camp fees. If you need financial assistance, please contact C.C.P. Finance at (608) 752-5445 ext. 231.
Field Trips
Field trips will be planned to correspond with children's interests and ages. Local field trips use the YWCA vans driven by licensed staff. The programs walking field trips are around the YWCA area. If you choose not to have your child go on the field trip no alternate care will be provided.
Seat belts and booster seats are required for safety. A signed transportation form is required for each child.
The YWCA will only pick up children from Summer School at Lincoln and Van Buren schools. (Limited to 8 children)
We ask campers to bring a backpack each day to keep their lunch, supplies, artwork and projects in. On swim days, we ask campers to bring a bag with their swimsuit and towel (labeled). Campers will need to bring a water bottle each day. The YWCA provides sunscreen and parents will need to complete an Authorization Form for the YWCA to apply it.
Participating in the YWCA Rock County Summer Program can help prevent the academic ‘Summer Slide’ and decrease childhood obesity.